In the long course of the earth’s history, people have managed to create a holiday for just about anything worth celebrating. From religious celebrations, like Christmas and Kwanzaa, to federal holidays, like Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Independence Day, our annual calendars are filled with special dates. So, it’s just appropriate that we give Earth its own special day every year.
In the long course of the earth’s history, people have managed to create a holiday for just about anything worth celebrating. From religious celebrations, like Christmas and Kwanzaa, to federal holidays, like Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Independence Day, our annual calendars are filled with special dates. So, it’s just appropriate that we give Earth its own special day every year.
Earth Day is basically an environmental movement that started in the 1970s. Each year, over 5000 environmental groups all over the world organize events and activities to remind people of their impact on the earth. Their goal is to make everyone more aware of their carbon footprint and inspire them to get involved in different “Save the Earth” initiatives.
We at Fiesta Flowers believe it’s our collective responsibility to support this environmental movement. After all, we owe it to the next generation to make this world a better place to live in.
Aside from unplugging the TV and conserving electricity, there are more meaningful ways to celebrate Earth Day. Here are 5 ways to make this year’s Earth Day celebration meaningful for you and your loved ones.
The best way to start off Earth Day is to head to the mountains before the sunrise. You and your friends will be amazed by the beautiful play of colors as the sun rises over the horizon. Going on a hike is also one of the best ways to burn off energy and stress from a hectic week. Who knows? After this hike, you might like it so much that you’ll want to do it again next weekend.
Every year, we lose millions of trees to loggers, both legally and illegally. Make Earth Day count by organizing a tree-planting activity with your friends and colleagues. Trees are our lifeline to healthier living. Planting trees is the only way we can offset the harmful effects of fossil fuel processing. And the best part about tree planting is that it’s not just a one-off thing. You’ll enjoy fresh clean air for many years to come.
Whether you’re working on a vegetable patch or a flower bed, today is a great day to work on your garden. Not only are you doing your part to minimize the effects of carbon emissions, but it gives you the chance to grow something you can be proud of. Plus, there have been studies that show how gardening doesn’t just make you healthier; it also makes you happier.
We all have clothes in our closets that we’ll never get around to wearing, so instead of throwing them away, you can turn them into reusable tote bags. After all, no one can have too many reusable grocery bags.
Make a conscious effort today to eat only vegetables. It’s no secret that the meat industry is causing a huge strain on the environment. Even if you’re not really keen on switching to a vegetarian diet, there’s no harm in trying it for a day.
We at Fiesta Flowers Plants & Gifts support everything that Earth Day stands for. By being more mindful of the environment, together we can make a difference.
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